COP26 in Glasgow will be another episode in ongoing attempts to reach international agreement on efforts to tackle the threat of climate change. To meet global targets in the emission reductions, the world requires the decisive expansion of coordinated action. The stated aims of COP26 are net zero emissions by mid-century, adaption to protect communities and habitats, the mobilization of finance, and cooperation.

This public online forum, held in advance of COP26, will be an opportunity to consider some of the economic imperatives that form part of the puzzle for achieving meaningful action. It will explore the impact of climate change action for economies as well as the nature of relevant policy and financial innovations. In order to consider tangible realities, it will focus on the economies of Scotland/UK and China. This will provide a contrast in possibilities: Scotland is a smaller nation— perhaps capable of a nimbler response—working inside broader UK goals, while China is a major player with a key role in the future of the global response.

This forum brings together experts in various fields of economics from around the UK and China over two days.

Organized jointly between the Adam Smith Business School and the Confucius Institute, University of Glasgow.

All welcome – please see further details below.

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