HSK 2 and HSK 3 Exams – January 2021

We are delighted to be able to offer the HSK 2 and 3 exams on 9 January 2021. The exams are being held in our offices in the Post Graduate Building on the Riccarton Campus. The HSK 2 exam starts at 9am and lasts for an hour and the HSK 3 starts at 1.30pm and lasts for ninety minutes. Please note that if you are sitting the exam you must arrive in plenty time as no late arrivals can be admitted.

To sign you must first register at http://www.chinesetest.cn/index.do once you have done this you can then sign up on Eventbrite.  Please click on the following links to be taken to the relevant page Eventbrite HSK 2 Exam and Eventbrite HSK 3 Exam

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, our email address is confuciusinstitute@hw.ac.uk